7.Travelstar Z7K500 from Hitachi is Worlds thinnest what?
A.Hard Drive
8.Around 10 years ago, DARPA funded a project for an adaptive data retrieval & data synthesis program that leads to a system called CALO. How do we know this better today.
9.He cofounded Mindtree in August 1999 & Has recently started his new venture.
Ans.Ashok Soota
A.Micheal Dell
11.Gamers have been categorized as E,M,&T what does all these meant.
A.Everyone,Mature & Teenager
12.Fake version of which super selling video game became the second most selling app on iPhone for a week in Feb'12 before it was pulled back by Apple from App Store?
13.Whats common to Strawberry,Lime,Blueberry,
A. Colours of iMac G3
14.UrsHolzle sent an interal memo warning that his company would be crushed if it didnt figure out its social strategy. He also suggested that new people be recruited to work on it.In response, Project emarald sea was started. What happened eventually?
A.Google Plus
15.Identify this popular game.
A.Angry Birds
16.Which telecom company has launched mobile wallet service titled "Money Transfer"?
17.What does TFT as in TFT LCD's stands for?
A.Thin Film Transistor
18.Prototypes of what optical disc storage medium designed to supersede the DVD format was unveiled at the CEATEC exhibition in OCT'2000 by Sony?
A.Blue-Ray Disc
19.On 5th Oct'2010,google announced availability of what downloadable image recognition application for iPhone devices?
A.Google Goggle
20. It's tagline describes it as "a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language." Identify.
A.XKCD Web Comic